Sunday, September 8, 2013

Kernel Jumbo patching which is under SVM & OBP upgradation

Kernel Jumbo patching which is under SVM & OBP upgradation:

1.     Take the output of the server before starting the activity.

# ./  Take  RSC IP Details as it is not in the script)-----take output and copy to rcp kjp2011

2.     Check with RSC IP is able to connect the server.
# telnet<RSC IP>

3.     Check the Fmadm Faulty Error
# fmadm faulty(If it is there inform Sun Team take the necessary actions)

4.       Check the out-put of "dladm show-dev" command, if  "e1000g#" interface is used on the system like following o/p :
bash-3.00# dladm show-dev
e1000g0         link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
e1000g1         link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
Then, add the entry " lso_enable=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; " (Without inverted comma and space)  in the /kernel/drv/e1000g.conffile.

5.     Check the Available space of Root File system and Any Hard Errors on the Hard Disks (Root Disk & Root Mirror).
# df –kh |grep .

#iostat –En |grep  -i errors

6.     Stop application & Database

7.     Check the umask value , it should be 022.(If it is 077 , change it to 022 as per the KJP Upgradation Procedure)
That is we need to change the Umask value in/etc/.login, /etc/profile,/etc/skel/local.cshrc,/etc/skel/local.login,/etc/skel/local.profile,/etc/default/login

                Then take another session of the server and check Umask again.

8.     Check in /etc/vfstab file whether for swap tmpfs size is "-" and not 512M(It should be -)
swap    -       /tmptmpfs   -       yes     -

9.     Umount FS, Deport DG’s

10.            Check the output of EEPROM for for "boot-device;use-nvramrc?;nvramrc"
nvramrc=devaliasrootmirror /pci@9,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/disk@1,0
devaliasrootdisk /pci@9,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/disk@0,0

11.            If everything is fine. Take a reboot of server.

12.             Once the server rebooted successfully , Detach the Root Mirror & Swap Mirror
#metadettach d10 d12( d10& d12 are examples )
#metadettach  d20 d22 ( d20 & d22 are examples )

13.             Mount  rootmirror in "C#T#D#" format on to "/mnt" :--->>
#  mount /dev/dsk/c#t#d#s0 /mnt(c#t#d#s0 is the root mirror disk)

14.              Edit the "etc/vfstab" and "etc/system" files of  rootmirror :--->>
# cd /mnt/etc

# vi vfstab(convert all meta devices of root mirror to c#t#d# form);

# vi system(Hash the entry "rootdev:/pseudo/md@0:0,10,blk" by preceeding it with a star "*" ).

Note: Before going to edit the above vfstab& system files, check the PWD command. It should be /mnt/etc/vfstab&  /mnt/etc/system

15.            Unmount the /mnt
#umount /mnt

16.             Then go to OK prompt by using init 0 command
#init 0

17.             From OK prompt ,boot the system with Root Mirror
OK  devalias( This command will display  the details of Root Disk & Root Mirror)
OK boot rootmirror –v

18.             After the system booted , check the df –kh command.
The root file system should be in c#t#d# format.

19.             Then again go to OK prompt and boot the server from Root Disk.
OK boot rootdisk –v

20.             After the successful boot from Root Disk , check the current Kernel Patch
 # uname –a(If KJP installed on the server is 142909-17 , then need to install only PATCH "144488-06. Otherwise need to install the Jumpopatch(142909-17 ) and the single patch(144488-06))

21.            Start the KJP installation 

22.            Once it is completed , take reboot of the server.

23.            Then install the single patch and again reboot.

24.            After the completion of all installation , check the server output with the output before taken KJP.

25.            If everything is fine ,  Start the DB & application ,then release the server.

26.            Start the KJP installation
unzip –d /tmp<>
./installcluster - -s10cluster

Once process completes restart server
EMCgrub procedure
Scp –r  emcgrab_SunOS_v4.4.4.tar  <system IP:/scripts>
tar –xvf  emcgrab_SunOS_v4.4.4.tar 
cd  emcgrub
./ q,y


Scp –r  EMCPower.SOLARIS.5.3.P01.b009.tar.gz<system Ip:/scripts>
Pkginfo –l EMCpower
gunzip EMCPower.SOLARIS.5.3.P01.b009.tar.gz
tar –xvf  EMCPower.SOLARIS.5.3.P01.b009.tar
pkgadd –d   .   <EMCpower>-------------------------------------give y,y

OBP(see machine type,v490,v880)

Scp –r  <><system ip:/scripts>
Extract into temp directory
Login into console
Cd /tmp/patch

Pkginfo –l VRTSvxvm
If version is 5.0.1------------v need to install mp3 & rp5
If version is 5.0.3-mp3---------v need to install rp5

Scp   –r  MP3<system ip:/scripts>
cd MP3
Cd  MP3RP5
sfha-sol_sparc-5.0MP3RP5-patches.tar  sol_sparc

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